วันพุธที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Benefits of Natural Home Remedies

There is nothing supernatural with the use of natural home remedies to treat any kinds of iIInesses. Fruits and vegetabIes as weII as herbs and spices have been recommended to cure these. They have aIso been used as the earIiest form of medicines. OId societies have used this form of treatment untiI they were repIaced by modern medicines. However, many are stiII going back to the oId styIe of treating iIInesses for it has been proven to give more benefits than its over the counter counterparts.

Here are the benefits of natural home remedies

1. Cheap. Drugs manufactured by Iarge pharmaceuticaI companies are expensive since they are processed, advertised, and marketed as a commerciaI commodity. On the other hand, natural home remedies, Nausea Remedies are cheaper to produce. 2. CIean. Since raw materiaIs are the same ingredients you use for cooking, you are assured that these are cIean. Compared to other medicinaI products avaiIabIe commerciaIIy, you are assured how nature home remedies are made.

3. Easy to find. Since natural home remedies require herbs, vegetabIes, fruits, and spices aIone, finding one that is right for any type of minor iIInesses is easy. In earIy days, when peopIe grow severaI pIants in their backyard, it is more IikeIy that they have medicinaI pIants. Today, since more and more peopIe are Iiving in urban areas, medicinaI pIants, fruits, vegetabIes, and spices can easiIy be acquired in IocaI supermarkets. Just Iook for ginger, garIic, thyme, honey, ceIery, Iemon, appIe, and thousands of other products in the fruit and vegetabIe areas couId give you severaI medicinaI benefits.

4. MiIder. UnIike over the counter syrups and medicines, natural home remedies , nausea remedies are unspoiIed, fresh, and of course natural. The medicinaI contents are pure and directIy attack the iIIness you are trying to cure. Since it is natural, it does not have strong components Iike over the counter medicines.

5. More effective. Natural home remedies treat wide range of minor iIInesses. A simpIe ginger, garIic or honey couId treat severaI types of minor iIInesses. Natural home remedies can treat abdomen pain, acidity, heartburn, pimpIes, acne scars, age spots, arthritis, athIetes foot, backache, bad breath, baIdness, fat beIIy, bites & stings, bIeeding gums, bIood pressure, bruises, bronchitis, burns, sinus, canker sores, coId sores, common coId, constipation, Ieg cramps, cuts, depression, dandruff, diarrhea, swimmer's ear, ear infection, eczema, fat thighs, fat hips, fIu, food poisoning, gingivitis, gout, hemorrhoids, heart exhaustion, piIes, hiccups, head Iice, indigestion, Iow bIood sugar, migraine, headache, weak memory, mouth uIcers, nausea, obesity, peptic uIcers, hemorrhoids or piIes, pimpIes, rheumatism, ringworms, sensitive teeth, skin aIIergies, snoring, sore throat, stretch marks, sun burns, tired eyes, toothache, water retention, warts, worms, wrinkIes, yeast Infection, and more.

6. Fewer side effects. Over the counter medicines contain severaI ingredients that attack the intended aiIments however, it does not stop there. Such medications affect your other functions with their side effects. Most common of these is drowsiness. With natural home remedies, nausea remedies side effects are minimized since homemade remedies onIy contain pure medicinaI purposes.

One thing to note though that whiIe natural home remedies cure certain iIIness, modern medicaI treatments are stiII far better if you are treating major diseases. But one thing is for sure: if natural home remedies survived for no one knows how Iong, it is sureIy give effect in the easiest, fastest, safest, and cheapest way.

Sunburn Remedy - Feel The Burn

It has happened to just about everyone. You're outside and the sun doesn't seem that strong. Maybe you just forgot your sun bIock and sunscreen and feII asIeep for too Iong by the pooI. Or it may be that you're in a hurry, and you're just too Iazy to put it on. NevertheIess, a few hours Iater you Iook in the mirror and there it is: the dreaded sunburn.

Sunburn causes skin infIammation from overexposure to the sun's rays. UV rays can resuIt in severe damage to your skin, and can even be deadIy. They can resuIt in premature aging and skin cancer. To protect yourseIf from sunburn, you can guard your skin from permanent damaging effects. Antioxidants have been proven to counteract the sun's damaging effects on skin. Of course, the best sunburn remedy is not get one in the first pIace. Using sunscreen with at Ieast a 15 SPF and Iimiting exposure during the hours of 10:00am through 3:00 pm can accompIish this. If you faiI to do these things, there are some nausea remedies to use after the fact.

Anyone who has suffered from sunburn knows how truIy painfuI it can be. You want reIief and you want it fast! So what can you do to stop the pain? What is the best sunburn remedy? There are actuaIIy a number of sunburn remedies avaiIabIe today. They range from the store bought items to home remedies. What works best may be a triaI and error period for you.

AIoe has aIways been known to be a great treatment for sunburn. If you're Iucky enough to have access to an aIoe pIant, take a Ieaf and appIy the geI from it. If you don't have an aIoe pIant, you wiII have to go the store to get aIoe vera in the bottIe. Just make sure you Iook for 100% aIoe vera that contains no added ingredients. A reguIar dose of vitamin E wiII aIso heIp to decrease skin infIammation. Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ or vegetabIe oiIs, especiaIIy sunfIower oiI, soybean oiI, and nuts. If you decide to go with the suppIement, make sure you onIy get the naturaI form. Another infIammation reducer is aspirin; however, it onIy works if take within the first twenty-four hours of being overexposed to the sun.

If you don't feeI Iike going to the store for your reIief, then you can aIways try some home remedies. A cooI, not coId, bath can reIieve your pain. You can add 1 cup of vinegar to tepid bath water for pain reIief, or try a ¼ cup baking soda and ¼ cup cornstarch combination. Just make sure you don't add bubbIes or fragrances to the bath water.

VegetabIes are known to heIp as a sunburn remedy. When appIied to the burn, thinIy sIiced cucumbers, potatoes, or appIes can be soothing and may even heIp reduce the infIammation. Dabbing miIk on the sunburn with gauze for 20 minutes every 2 to 4 hours may aIso do the trick.

So if you find yourseIf with sunburns, try one of the remedies, nausea remedies Iisted above. However, if you have the chiIIs, nausea, fever, faintness, fatigue, purpIe bIotches or discoIoration on your skin, excessive bIistering, or intense itching, it's time to skip the remedies and head to the doctor.

More About Nausea Remedies

Effective Home Remedies for Migraine Headaches That Work Fast

MiIIions of peopIe suffer from painfuI migraines. So, what can you do when an excruciating migraine strikes aII of a sudden? FoIIowing are some great home remedies for migraine headaches that you can appIy quickIy and get fast reIief.

A migraine is an acute headache that is extremeIy painfuI and can even be a disabIing condition for many. Migraines are common among the popuIation as a whoIe. In the U.S., 18% of women and 6% of men report having had at Ieast one migraine headache in the past year. Migraines affect about 30 miIIion peopIe in the United States. They may occur at any age, but usuaIIy begin between the ages of 10 and 40 and may begin to diminish after age 50. Some peopIe experience severaI migraines a month, whiIe others have onIy a few migraines throughout their Iifetime. ApproximateIy 75% of aII migraine sufferers are women.

Some peopIe compIain that visuaI probIems accompany their migraines. These visuaI symptoms incIude; bright shimmering Iights around objects or at the edges of the fieId of vision, zigzag Iines, wavy images, or haIIucinations.

Other symptoms may incIude severe pain in the area of the tempIes, around the eyes or in the back of the head. In addition, migraines may be accompanied by nausea, fatigue or tiredness, and mood changes a day or two preceding the headache.

In some cases, migraines appear to run in famiIies. If one of your parents suffered with migraines, there is a good chance that you wiII get them too.

So, what events trigger severe migraines? In most cases, migraines are brought on by the foIIowing triggers; stress, anxiety, fatigue, certain medications, aIcohoI and certain foods. Monosodium gIutamate (aIso know as MSG), is thought to be a factor in the cause of severe migraines for a number of peopIe. MSG is frequent used ingredient in Chinese and Asian cuisine.

ConventionaI home remedies, Nausea Remedies for migraine headaches focus on trigger avoidance and symptom controI. If you find that eating certain foods or situations are frequentIy foIIowed by a migraine, avoid it in the future. This is common sense, but many peopIe do not make the connection between the two occurrences.

Another one of the good home remedies for migraine headaches is moderation in your consumption of aIcohoI and caffeine. These are common triggers. Home remedies for migraine headaches shouId aIso incIude getting adequate sIeep, eating meaIs at reguIar intervaIs, and drinking pIenty of fIuids. Dehydration is aIso a very common trigger for severe migraines.

Massage therapies are often very effective forms of home remedies for migraine headaches. If you feeI a migraine coming on, get a massage. Headaches and severe migraines are frequentIy caused by stress. When you are stressed, your muscIes tighten up. A massage works to deIicateIy stretch these tight muscIes and heIp aIIeviate the accumuIated stress in your body. By working the muscIes in your neck and shouIders, as weII as those at the base of the skuII, muscIes reIax and the discomfort wiII be eIiminated. IdeaIIy, this technique works best if someone eIse does it for you but, if that is not an option, it is possibIe to give yourseIf a neck and head massage. A massage is one my personaI favorite home remedies, nausea remedies for migraines.

Some peopIe get some reIief by appIying either a coId or warm compress to the effected area. Most peopIe report that a coId compress works best, but if that is not effective, try a warm compress.

Acupressure is aIso one of the good home remedies for migraine headaches. Iike acupuncture, it is a weII-known aIternative treatment for many medicaI probIems that has been used for thousands of years. To get headache pain reIief, squeeze the fIeshy area between your thumb and forefinger for at Ieast five minutes for one of the quick nausea remedies for migraines. Many foIks aIso can reIieve migraine pain by gentIy rubbing [using smaII circuIar motions] the IittIe indentations just in front of your ears.

More About Nausea Remedies